Wild Life
Mangaka: Masato Fujisaki
Genre: shounen
Synopsis: Iwashiro Tetsushou-kun is your typical high school delinquent, a bum with no direction in life. He has one gift though, and that is he has a perfect sense of hearing. Inspired by a veterinarian he meets on a park, Tetsushou -- with his keen hearing (he can detect irregularities in heartbeat, respiration rate, etc.) and strong desire to save lives -- decides to become a vet himself.
Comments: As of this review, I've only read three chapters so far and I like what I'm seeing. The manga is funny and although the premise of a genius doctor isn't exactly new, the added twist of Tetsushou's perfect hearing is an interesting concept.
Scanlators: Boku-tachi, Manga City
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